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The General Council elects members of the International Executive Council, all other officers of the Church are appointed by the International Executive Council.
Below the International Executive Council and the General Council, we have the Territorial structure. The Territorial is headed by the Territorial Head, who is either an Apostle or an experienced senior pastor.
The Territorial is further divided into Area, each of which is headed by an Area Pastor who administers the Area. The Area Administration has a number of circuits headed by a Circuit Pastor.
The Local Assembly
Finally, the Circuit has a number of local congregations headed by presiding elders who implement decisions of the Circuit with the assistance of their local presbyteries. This chain of command ensures there is both vertical and horizontal flow of communication, thereby making implementation of policies and feedback very vital ingredients of effective administration. In addition, the Church's official magazine "Christ Apostolic Magazine" is published quarterly to educate church members about events in the Church. It also shares the gospel with non-Christian readers
Sources of Funds
The two principal financial sources of the Church are tithes and offerings. As and when necessary, special funds are raised at all levels of the Church's administrative structure to meet very crucial financial commitments The prudent management of the self-financing policy has been able to sustain the Church even in a developing country like Ghana.
Financial Obligations
The Church's financial obligations include payments of salaries to ministers, administrative and supporting staff, construction of chapels and manses, evangelistic crusades, donations to charitable organizations, training programmes, among others. It is significant to note that due to the understanding and the loyalty of the members in giving, the Church has never lacked finance to run its programmes in line with God's covenant to sustain it financially.